Sunday, November 1, 2009

Crystal City (DC)

This week I was in Crystal City, teaching AirMagnet classes.

A couple of highlights:

On the flight out, I had to change planes in Cincinnati, I like changing planes there because I get a chance to eat some Goldstar Chili Dogs... mmmmmm. I *really* don't like beans in my Chili and everywhere/everyone seems to use beans in Chili. Not Goldstar - just great flavor and meat - no beans! Love it.
Tuesday night I got to go to dinner with my friend Devin Akin (and his co-workers from Aerohive) at the Legal Sea Foods in Crystal City. This is the same restaurant we went to right after Karrissa and Joe started their 'tour/honeymoon' many years ago.

The Salmon was pretty easy to eat with my braces and all... but I actually enjoy the flavors of our home-cooked BBQ Salmon better.
Then on Wednesday night I had a little 'adventure' and took a couple of Metro subway rides to the stop 'by' the Washington DC Temple. At least that's what the nice lady on the phone told me to do. She said "you'll come up from the Metro and see the Temple right there, its a close walk"

Needless to say, when I got off the Metro and came up to the real world, there was no Temple to be found. And it wasn't really in a very nice part of town to be walking around in as the sun was setting. Thanks to the GPS on my phone, and Google Maps new Walking Path - I could see it was a mere two miles of walking through a variety a neighborhoods, across some railroad tracks, over the freeway, back under the freeway, and up a big hill... yep, just a "close walk".

I did however get to enjoy some time in the Temple and had a nice 5.5 hour "adventure" getting to and from this very pretty building.
It does really stand out when you come around this corner on the freeway - just lit up floating above the nearby forest...


Richard B said...

Glad you are adventuresome and do what it takes to see the temple. Sounds like you had a good week, good food and with friends.

Karrissa Winward said...

I am glad you had a good trip- it makes me happy when you get to do other things then just work!

Gram said...

I guess I need to fly to Cincinnati so I can try a Goldstar Chili Dog. I am glad you had a good week. The Salmon and the temple experience were both good for you. I am happy you got to meet with friends.

Have a great week in SF and be careful in Aukland. We'll miss you son!