Sunday, May 27, 2007

First WLSAT Class in DC

After a mad rush to finish up the labs, print the student binders, and make all the student kits... we finally held our first new class. Called Wireless LAN Security Assessment Toolkit - WLSAT in Washington DC last week.

We had all four course developers there to teach the specific labs they had written, and so we could use this opportunity as a 'Train the Trainer' to get cross-trained on the items we personally didn't write.

I flew into Baltimore with Jeff and Mark on Sunday. We stopped at IHOP #551 - a terrible choice for a place to eat - the corn tasted of soap, the food was cold, the service atrocious, it was just terrible.

We had 14 students at this first session - all had a great time playing with and learning on their student kits. The Nokia N800 little tablet computers were a hit!

The course flowed much better than I could have anticipated. Yes, we have a bunch of little edits to make, and additional steps to put in different labs, but overall "two thumbs up"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, about the IHOP dinner. Seems I remember a bad Christmas dinner in Florida at an IHOP. I forgot to comment that I thought that was really neat to have been able to see the original flag that flew over Ft. McHenry.