Friday, June 8, 2007

Editing & Penetration Testing Certification

So right after Sunday School, back to the airport for a series of planes and rental cars getting me to the hotel in Myrtle Beach SC around 3:30am on Monday.

The conference was held at the Myrtle Beach Marriott... nice hotel...

But I got to stay instead at the Fairfield Inn...

The TechnoSecurity conference started on Monday morning - I sat in only one session on Monday, and one session on Tuesday - the rest of the time I was in the hotel room doing testing and editing on the WLSAT course student materials - to make sure the instructions worked on the hardware. Also doing some extra additional labs and adding screen-shots where necessary.

Then on Wed/Thur spent my time 13 hours on Wed sitting in on an ECSA/LPT course - this is high level security assessments and vulnerablity scans... (Ethical Hacking) then another 8 hours on Thur - followed by a 2-hour certification exam. I passed! Yea! So with that one exam (and an FBI character check, passing three other exams, and studying over 1200 pages of text...) I received the Licensed Penetration Tester certification.

I never thought of the title, in the IT industry you hire people to do Penetration Tests all the time, it's the standard way of 'proving' you have strong security and that hackers can't break through your perimeter... but when I mentioned it to Jill on the phone... she started to giggle. I guess it has other conotations...

Karrissa put up a 'joke' sign for me when I came in late Thursday night - the whole family is so proud of my License to do Penetration Testing...

1 comment:

Karrissa Winward said...

We are so proud Dad! How many kids can say their dad is a LPT!