Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Downtown Seattle - Pike Place, Aquarium, Seattle Center

We stopped by the Alderwood Mall this morning to pick up my Mom's sister Marsha - she was nice to spend the day with us.

We first went to the Pike's Place Market - and enjoyed all the activity, color, and items for sale there. I'm sure the women could have spent many more hours of shopping there, but with a double-wide stroller and two small children... well...

Then off to lunch at The Crab Pot - for a very nice seafood lunch right on the pier.

Finally... in McKinley's eyes... we arrived at the Seattle Aquarium to see all the FISHES! OK, compared to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium we went to a couple of years ago... but it was still a a lot of fun for McKinley. She liked all the fish, but especially liked going back again and again to touch the starfish. She even liked having Aunt Marsha hold her and talk with the docent about a starfish he had in a bowl.

Then off to Seattle Center - Karrissa wanted to return to the Pacific Science Center from her youth. McKinley was still sleeping so Marsha and I waited in the car while the others went into the center and space needle.

Finally dinner at Olive Garden in Lynnwood where Jill's brother Ken joined us for another good meal.


See, Kylie *can* be happy!

Karrissa returning to Pacific Science Center

Winwards at the Seattle Center

Space Needle

Marsha helping McKinley with the Starfish

McKinley and a Seal

Family at the Seattle Aquarium

McKinley and Kylie playing with an 'Orca' fin

Karrissa and Kylie happy at the aquarium

Kylie not happy at the aquarium

Karrissa, Joe and McKinley at Aquarium

Marsha waiting and watching sleeping Kylie

Touching a starfish

Washington State Ferry coming in to dock

The Crab Pot for Lunch

Kylie just loved having someone walk her around - thanks Jill

Karrissa striking an 'Alysha' vacation pose

McKinley didn't want to 'kiss the pig'

But she was fine riding the pig.

Grandma Jill bought her this 'Princess Stuff'

Pike Place had loads of flowers for sale pretty cheap

This reminded me of markets all over the world

Winwards at Pike Place Market

Marsha and tasting Pepper Jelly

A view down Pike Place Market


Richard B said...

Thanks for sharing the Seattle area with us in pictures and word. Seattle is a fun and enjoyable place to visit. Glad Karrissa was able to enjoy the Seattle Center. Pleased that you included Marsha in your day's activities.

Gram said...

I loved sharing the photos and story of the Seattle area. It brought back many good memories of time spent there. I am happy Marsha was able to spend time with you, too.

The kids look so cute. The photo of Karrissa with Kylie smiling is a treasure. They both look so beautiful in the close-up. McKinley has learned to pose so nicely for photographs now. The one with the princess stuff is precious and she will have fun playing with that and her dress-ups. McKinley has had enough exposure to camera's now she could be a beautiful model.